Redmi A1 India launch date has been set for September 6, the company announced on Friday. The company’s upcoming handset will be powered by an unspecified MediaTek chipset and will offer a “clean Android experience”, according to a microsite for the Redmi A1, which shows the phone to sport a dual rear camera setup. The smartphone has also been teased to sport a rear panel with a leather texture. it will be powered by a 5,000mAh battery, according to Redmi.
The Xiaomi subsidiary announced on Friday via Twitter that the Redmi A1 will debut in India on September 6 at 12pm (noon). Additionally, a dedicated landing page for the smartphone is live on the company’s website, revealing some specifications of the upcoming Redmi A1, which is confirmed to pack a 5,000mAh battery. It will be powered by an unspecified MediaTek SoC, and will offer a “clean Android experience”.
The Redmi A1 will sport a dual rear AI camera setup with an LED flash. As per the landing page, the rear panel of the handset will feature a leather texture design. The smartphone will launch in at least three colour options. Redmi is yet to reveal other details, including the pricing in India of the upcoming handset. According to the company, Redmi A1 will be part of ‘Diwali With Mi’ launches.
As per an earlier report, the Redmi A1 has been spotted on US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) databse and Geekbench benchmarking website. It reportedly appeared on the US FCC database with the model number 220733SL. The Redmi A1 is tipped to be powered by a MediaTek Helio A22 SoC.
It is said to measure 164.67mm in length and 76.56mm in width. The Geekbench listing of the phone reportedly suggested that it could feature 3GB of RAM, and run on Android 12 out-of-the-box. The Redmi A1 has visited the Bureau of Indian Standards database as well, as per the report. The handset was spotted with the model number 220733SI.
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