Nokia C32 is expected to launch in India soon. The model was unveiled earlier this year in February, ahead of the Mobile World Congress 2023. This budget smartphone is now expected to hit the Indian market in three colour variants, according to a report. The Indian variant of the handset is expected to be powered by a Unisoc SC9863A chipset and is said to run Android 13 out-of-the-box. It sports a dual rear camera unit and is expected to be available in India with a one-year free replacement offer.
According to a 91Mobiles Hindi report, the Nokia C32 is tipped to launch in India on May 23. The phone is likely to be priced in India starting from Rs. 9,999. The report adds that the smartphone could launch in two variants with 3GB or 4GB of RAM and 64GB or 128GB of inbuilt storage, which may be expanded up to 256GB using a microSD card.
The Nokia C32 was launched in Europe in three colour options – Autumn Green, Beach Pink, and Charcoal. It is priced at EUR 129 (roughly Rs. 11,300).
Nokia C32 India variant specifications (expected)
Nokia’s C32 could feature a 6.5-inch IPS HD (1,280 x 720 pixels) LCD display panel. It is likely to run Android 13 out-of-the-box. The dual SIM-supported smartphone is expected to be powered by a Unisoc SC9863A SoC.
For optics, a dual rear camera unit is said to be available on the Nokia C32. The camera module is expected to include a 50-megapixel primary sensor and a 2-megapixel sensor accompanied by an LED flash unit. The 8-megapixel front camera sensor is expected to be housed in the centre-aligned waterdrop notch.
The Nokia C32 is expected to be backed by a 5,000mAh battery unit that is said to provide a battery life of up to 3 days.
Earlier in February, Nokia also launched the Nokia C22, which was released in India earlier this month. The 2GB + 64GB variant of the phone is priced at Rs. 7,999, while the 4GB + 64GB variant is marked at Rs. 8,499. It is available in Charcoal, Purple, and Sand colour options.
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(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a press release)
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