Apple Vision Pro was launched earlier this month on February 2 in the US with support for over 600 dedicated applications. It is the first mixed-reality headset from the Cupertino-based tech giant. The spatial computer is equipped with the company’s EyeSight display technology and has three layers to show a 3D version of the user’s eyes with a stereoscopic effect. An Apple executive has now announced that the AR/VR headset now supports more dedicated applications than it was launched with.
Greg Joswiak, Senior Vice President of Marketing at Apple, said in a post on X (formerly Twitter) that there are now more than 1,000 dedicated spatial apps for the Apple Vision Pro. The mixed-reality headset is also compatible with over 1.5 million applications. At launch, the company stated that there were more than 600 apps and games optimised for the Vision Pro.
A huge thank you to our developers! Their hard work has already resulted in over 1,000 incredible spatial apps designed specifically for Vision Pro, along with over 1.5 million compatible apps. We’re thrilled to see how they’ll continue to push the boundaries for what’s possible.
— Greg Joswiak (@gregjoz) February 13, 2024
Previously, a firm called Victoria VR announced that it was working on a metaverse application for the Apple Vision Pro which aims to integrate Apple’s technology with their own to offer users a life-like play experience. It is said to feature ultra-realistic graphics to offer a more immersive participation opportunity. The app could be launched by Q2 2024, according to the firm.
The Apple Vision Pro is powered by an in-house M2 chipset paired with an R1 chip. It features dual micro-OLED displays with up to 100Hz refresh rates and runs visionOS out-of-the-box. The headset also supports AirPlay at up to 1080p, Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth 5.3 connectivity. An external battery pack is connected to the headset via a cable which is said to offer up to two hours of battery life.
The Apple Vision Pro starts at $3,499 (roughly Rs. 2.9 lakh) for the base 256GB option, while the 512GB and 1TB options are priced at $3,699 (roughly Rs. 3.07 lakh) and $3,899 (roughly Rs. 3.24 lakh), respectively.
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