Xiaomi on Friday announced its ‘Xiaomi Turns 8′ anniversary sale in India. The company’s upcoming shopping festival will allow customers to purchase Xiaomi and Redmi smartphones, laptops, televisions and IoT products at discounted rates. The sale is now live and will end on July 13. Customers can purchase smartphones such as the Xiaomi 11i, Xiaomi 11i Hypercharge, Xiaomi 12 Pro, Redmi 9A, Redmi 10A, and Redmi Note 11 Pro+ 5G. Meanwhile, the Xiaomi OLED 55, Mi TV QLED TV 4K 55, and Mi TV QLED TV 75 will also be available for purchase at discounted rates, during the sale.
‘Xiaomi Turns 8’ Anniversary Sale date
The ‘Xiaomi Turns 8′ Anniversary Sale started today and will go through July 13 across Mi.com and Mi Home stores. The brand is also running activities exclusively on Mi.com. These activities include Jackpot Deals on select products at 10am, Surprise Store with discounts on lifestyle products at 12pm (noon), and Pick-N-Choose at 4pm where customers buy two of their selected products together at a discounted price. Furthermore, there’s also ‘The Happy Hour’ at 6pm that will allow users to purchase selected devices at Rs. 99. At 8pm, users can purchase selected devices for Rs. 8.
During the sale, the Xiaomi 11i 8GB RAM + 128GB storage version will be available at a price of Rs. 26,999 after a discount of Rs. 5,000. The same price of the product is also listed on Flipkart.
Similarly, Xiaomi 11i Hypercharge 8GB RAM + 128GB storage option can be purchased for Rs. 28,999 after a discount of Rs. 5,000. The Xiaomi 12 Pro 12GB RAM + 256GB storage version is priced at Rs. 66,999 during the sale.
A few Redmi phones, such as the Redmi 10A (4GB+64GB), which is priced at Rs. 11,999, is available for Rs. 8,999 after a Rs. 3,000 discount and the Redmi Note 11 Pro+ 5G (8GB+256GB) is priced at Rs. 24,999 during the sale.
When it comes to TVs, the Xiaomi OLED 55 TV will be available at a price of Rs. 84,999, the Mi TV QLED TV 4K 55 can be purchased for Rs. 56,999, and the Mi TV QLED TV 75 is priced at Rs. 1,29,999 during the sale. The company is also offering the Redmi SonicBass Wireless Earphones (Red) at a price of Rs. 1,099 and the Mi Super Bass Wireless Headphones (Black & Red) at a price of Rs. 1,599.
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